What is the InnoBESS project?
The InnoBESS project focuses developing a new innovative data-driven platform for the sizing and optimization of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) in the electricity markets. The tool provides estimations of the operation of the BESS based on existing data (solar, electric load, electricity markets) thus allow for accurate sizing. Evaluation of each value stream in the value stack of operating the BESS with several use cases (i.e. markets, solar, charging point).
What is the need behind the innovation?
BESS deployment is growing rapidly worldwide. The current challenge is to design and evaluate BESS business cases. So far, evaluation software are developed for the analysis of energy systems like PVSOL, PVSYST, Homer Energy, and NREL System Advisory Model. The integrate limited knowledge on operation of BESS, which presents important inaccuracies for business case evaluation.
What is the innovation?
Hybrid Greentech will develop a new optimization software platform for designing and dimension BESS operating in electricity markets. The platform can be used for design and operational optimization. The platform will, in contrast to existing tools, be able to evaluate the installations in the various electricity markets, thus giving a more realistic picture of the operation of the BESS.
This achieves:
A better adaptation of the battery system to the application
The possibility of reducing the size of the BESS thanks to accurate optimization
Identification and comparison of several value streams
Operating optimization of already established BESS operating in electricity markets.
Funding: Innovation fund Denmark
Call: InnoBooster
Period: 2019-2020